
The present study entitled “Estimation of marketed surplus and constraints in production and marketing of milk in the Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh” was undertaken to know about Marketed surplus, marketing channels, and problems in the production and marketing of milk. The study has been undertaken in Paravada mandal of Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh during the Agricultural year 2021-2022. A total of 100 respondents were analyzed and data is interpreted. And respondents were categorized into three groups based on the number of milch animals. The overall average milk production is 19087.68 liters. The total quantity of milk production is 54389.21 liters. Out of this, family consumption is 957.95 liters, the marketable surplus is 18129.73 liters and the marketed surplus is 18129.73 liters with 5.0, 95.0, and 95.0 percent respectively. The total marketed surplus is 54389.21 liters with a value of Rs. 2387503.05. Lack of technical guidance for farmers, high cost of crossbreed animals, and lack of credit facilities are major problems in the production category. Less knowledge about marketing strategies and lack of technical guidance are the major marketing constraints faced by farmers in the study area. Some measures suggested to farmers and policymakers are there is a need for training for farmers regarding the dairy farming and how they attain the maximum profits from this sector, Dairy co-operative societies, and Cooperative milk plants should come together and provide incentives for the farmers. Institutional sources should provide easy way loans to farmers without any collateral. And with fewer interest rates.

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