
Household activities have the potential to produce greenhouse gas emissions. The government’s policy to work and study from home during the COVID-19 pandemic affects greenhouse gas emissions produced by household activities, starting from energy and waste and liquid waste produced, so it is necessary to carry out an emission inventory. The purpose of this study is to calculate greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and CH4) from household activities in Binjai City during the COVID-19 pandemic and determine emission reduction scenarios that can be carried out in Binjai City. The calculation method used is based on the 2006 IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change) guidelines. CO2 emissions resulting from the use of LPG are 2025.80 tons CO2e/month, the use of fuel for daily transportation activities is 3484.84 tons CO2e/month, and electricity usage is 14956.66 Ton CO2e/month. CH4 emissions produced from domestic liquid waste are 417.14 tons CO2e/month, and household waste is 27.54 tons CO2e/month. The COVID-19 pandemic increases GHG emissions from household electricity consumption in Binjai City by ± 7% and reduces GHG emissions from fuel consumption by 3.5%.

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