
The transition to market relations, tough competition in the tourism industry, require the solution of new challenges related to the need for adequate response of the state to significant changes in both the external and internal environment of the functioning of tourism industry organizations. The need for solving these problems, which together constitute an important national economic problem, is largely due to the lack of modern organizational and methodological support.The main problem of the effective functioning of Ukrainian tourist enterprises is the lack of a comprehensive system of financial stability assessment that would help the top management of the tourist enterprise identify problem areas and adopt the right and optimal management decisions. To analyze and control the financial sustainability of tourism enterprises, systems of interrelated indicators are used, through which the assessment, planning and management of the enterprise are carried out. Considering the problem of improving the development of Ukrainian tourism, we consider it appropriate to focus our attention on the fact that it is tourism financial and innovation competitiveness is an integral part of the process of development and improvement of the tourism industry in the whole country. Obviously, tourism should be considered as a powerful independent inter-industry economic complex. The most powerful and innovative positions should occupy leading positions in the tourism development strategy of the country, and the weak must be gradually neutralized using financial and innovative tools. Before proceeding to the solution of this problem, one must determine the financial stability. Having studied the various interpretations of this concept, we came to the conclusion that the financial stability of the enterprise is a property of the enterprise, which reflects in the process of interaction of external and internal factors of influence: the ability to achieve a state of equilibrium of its financial resources and the degree of their use, in which the enterprise, freely maneuvering with money means capable of ensuring an uninterrupted process of production and sales of products; the ability not only to maintain at the appropriate level for some time the main characteristics of the activity of the tourist enterprise, but also to function and develop.

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