
Context: Digital lateral cephalograms are crucial in ascertaining stature and gender which lead to a clue for establishing identity as they are cost-effective, are easily available, and have reliable accuracy. Aims: The present study has an objective to determine gender and stature among 1000 adult Chhattisgarh males and females in the age range of 21–50 years using 14 linear lateral cephalometric measurements. The study attempted to derive a prediction equation for stature using lateral cephalometric parameters. Settings and Design: An observational, cross-sectional study was planned for stature and gender estimation using digital lateral cephalogram with study duration from July 2017 to August 2018. Methods: A total of 500 male and 500 female adult subjects in the age range of 21–50 years were subjected to digital lateral cephalogram, and 14 linear measurements were recorded for all subjects. Stature was measured using a stadiometer. Statistical Analysis: Linear regression analysis and correlation of lateral cephalometric parameters with stature were used for stature determination. Discriminant function analysis for gender prediction was used for ascertaining gender from lateral cephalometric parameters. Results: Of total 14 linear measurements, nine measurements among males and five among females were found to be positively and significantly correlated with stature. Correct gender determination was done in 83.5% of subjects using discriminant function analysis from lateral cephalometric measurements. Conclusions: Digital lateral cephalometric analysis can be used with fair accuracy for stature and gender prediction among adult Chhattisgarh population.

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