
To increase the amount of information on the intensities of tropical cyclones (TC) used in climate research, the possibility of additional estimates of the intensity of a TC by exploring historical data of conventional (non-Doppler) airborne and coastal radars is considered. Based on the hyperbolic-logarithmic spiral (HLS) model of the streamline in the TC, an assessment of the maximum wind speed in hurricanes Cleo (1958), Carolina (1975) and Alicia (1983) was made. Literature sources containing radar signatures of spiral cloud-rain bands (SCRBs) of these hurricanes and the corresponding results of synchronous aircraft soundings were used. The HLS-approximation of the radar signature of the SCRB consisted of determining the “expected” (mean) spiral of a set of HLSs “fitted” into a pattern of the signature. The maximum wind speed was determined from coefficients of the mean HLS. The estimates obtained were in satisfactory agreement with in situ aircraft measurements. The considered examples manifest the possibility of applying the HLS-approximation to determine the intensity of hurricanes by using the historical radar data with satisfactory accuracy.

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