
The number of slums and squatters are increasing at very high rate. The overall objective of this study was to find out the number of housing units required to fulfill the housing needs for the low-income group. The two squatter settlements: Jagritinagar, Sinamangal and Thapathali, from Bagmati River of Kathmandu valley areas were selected as the samples. Questionnaire survey and interview were conducted with the residents of the study area to assess the current housing scenario. Likewise, the questionnaire survey and interview were carried out with housing experts, planners, implementers and concerned organizations to find out the most important factors influencing the housing need of the low-income groups and to explore the appropriate measures to address their housing problem. Descriptive analysis was carried out to find out number of housing units. Over 70% of the people of the low-income groups in the study area were found uneducated. The improvement in the education level brings awareness, better employment opportunity and consequently improves their economic status and housing condition. Hence, the education is one of the important factors that affect the housing need of the people. Easy access to the market along with the urban facilities contributes towards the employment opportunities eventually uplifting the economic status of the low-income group people living in the study area. There is the requirement of 4520 housing units to meet the housing need of low-income groups in Kathmandu valley. This number is very large, and the location and nature of different squatter settlements are different, so it is most to study on suitability of approach to meet the housing need of the entire low-income groups.

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