
The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and its anisotropies allow us to analyze many properties and phenomena of the early universe. One such important property is the Baryon Density(Ω_b), a cosmological constant for the density of Baryons in the universe in comparison to its critical density. Baryon Density affects the interactions of matter in the early universe and therefore the analysis of CMB Anisotropies to study how matter interacts allows for the estimation of the Baryon Density in the Early Universe. Understanding Ω_b, is crucial as it reveals information about the composition of the universe, such as the amount of dark matter and dark energy, the early formation of celestial bodies and matter-antimatter asymmetry. This paper aimed to test the reliability of CAMB, a simulation algorithm for CMB anisotropies, by estimating Ω_b h^2. The CAMB mainly utilizes a combination of field equations, the Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker metric, Fluid Equations, the Boltzmann Equation and Linear Perturbation theory in order to compute the CMB power spectra. We estimated the value of Ω_b h^2, maintaining other cosmological parameters constant and changing Ω_b h^2 from 0.01 to 0.03 in increments of 0.000625. The peaks, troughs, positions, damping scale and amplitudes of the resultant TT and TE power spectra were compared with data from the Planck Satellite. We use chi-square minimization and find the best fit value and uncertainty forΩ_b h^2 to be 0.02325 ± 0.00015. The estimated value of the baryon density from our study was compared to existing estimates to evaluate the reliability of CAMB as a simulation and source of information for further CMB Anisotropy related research, where it was confirmed to be accurate. However, further developments using wider sets of data was acknowledged with deep learning being a potential step forward.

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