
Simultaneous measurements of the nightglow profiles of the O2 Herzberg I bands, the O2 atmospheric (0-0) band and the OI 557.7 nm line are discussed in terms of the excitation and loss of the O(1S), O2(b1Sg+ ) and O2(A3Su+ ) states. The measurements were carried out by rocket-borne photometers launched from Alcântara (20S, 440W) on May 31, 1992 at 23:52 LT. The rocket payload contained 6 longitudinal photometers to measure the OI 557,7 nm and NaD 589 nm lines, the O2 atmospheric (0-0) and Herzberg I bands and the continuum at 578 nm, together with 4 transverse photometers measuring the OI 630 nm and NaD 589 nm lines, the OH(8-3) band and the continuum at 710 nm. The results for the O(1S) and O2(b1Sg+ ) states suggest the validity for the equatorial region of empirical parameters derived from measurements made at high latitudes. For the O2(A3Su+ ) states, the quenching rates required to explain the measurements are higher than the values derived from previous airglow measurements but in agreement with recent laboratory measurements.

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