
The generation of coefficients of terms of positive and negative powers of \(n\) and \(-n\) of Kifilideen trinomial theorem as the terms are progress is stressful and time-consuming which the same problem is identified with coefficients of terms of binomial theorem of positive and negative powers of \(n\) and \(-n\). This slows the process of producing the series of any particular trinomial expansion. This study established Kifilideen coefficient tables for positive and negative powers of \(n\) and \(-n\) of the Kifilideen trinomial theorem and other developments based on matrix and standardized methods. A Kifilideen theorem of matrix transformation of the positive power of \(n\) of trinomial expression in which three variables \(x, y\), and \(z\) are found in parts of the trinomial expression was originated. The development would ease evaluating the trinomial expression's positive power of \(n\). The Kifilideen coefficient tables are handy and effective in generating the coefficients of terms and series of the Kifilideen expansion of trinomial expression of positive and negative powers of \(n\) and \(-n.\)

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