
Considerable improvements were made to the original Rankine method. Replacement of aspiration with an injection system contributed a great deal to the simplification of procedure, being accompanied with an increase in reproducibility. Air (flow rate 1.01/min) was used for injection because the use of inert gas gave little increase in recovery rate. Sodium bisulphite (free sulphite) and three kinds of combined sulphite compound (bisulphite adducts of acetaldehyde, pyruvic acid and D-mannose) were used to find the most suitable conditions for the separate determination of free and combine sulphites. Free sulphite was expelled from the sample by bubbling at 0 °C for 30 min. It was confirmed that no combined sulphite was dissociated under these conditions. The phosphoric acid concentration had an important role in the liberation of sulphite. When 25% phosphoric acid was used, more than 99% of free sulphite was expelled by cold bubbling and more than 99% of combined sulphite was recovered by heating afterwards for 10 min. The scope of the modified Rankine method was also extended to the determination of sulphite in concentrated orange juice.

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