
Tissue culture offers a model system with which to study the endocrine-mediated growth, differentiation, and metabolic activities of the endometrium. We have established and continue to maintain monolayer cultures of normal human endometrial epithelial cells from each phase of the menstrual cycle. At present, eight proliferative, two secretory, and two menstrual phase cultures have been established. These have been passed at least three times. One proliferative phase culture has been growing for 18 mo, and passed 10 times. Colonies of epithelioid cells as well as single cells appear in the cultures within 2 to 8 h of initial culture and maintain this appearance throughout long-term growth. The cells are periodic acid Schiff positive for carbohydrates and positive for keratin, an immunochemical marker for epithelial tissues. Studies comparing the ultrastructure of the cultures with fresh endometrial tissue revealed morphologic features common to both, including prominent nucleoli, Golgi, mitochondria-rough endoplasmic reticulum complexes, and abundant glycogen. The cells are not tumorigenic in the nude mouse and do not form colonies on soft agarose, confirming the nonneoplastic identity of the cells.

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