
The history of the Joseph Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw has had its beginnings only ten years after the end of the First World War. Historically, it was a time of the establishing the Second Polish Republic, as a result of the Versailles Treaty (1918). It was not a periodconducive to such ambitious investments, but after regaining independence, there was de-termination to resurrect in a free country –at all costs –the cultural life, education and sport, in aim to bring up the young generation in accordance with the latest European principles.The year 2019 was a special year, due to the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw. In the years 1929–2019, the walls of the university left more than 50,000 graduates, numerous doctors and habilitated doctors were pro-moted, and serious research and development potential was built. Currently, at the five faculties, study about 4,557 students. All graduates are highly qualified to meet the needs of the 21st century society: they are employed as teachers, trainers, instructors, physiotherapists, nurses, cosmetolo-gists and occupational therapy specialists -they are highly appreciated in Poland and other countries in Europe. On the occasion of the Jubilee, numerous scientific conferences, symposia, publications, exhibitions, sporting and cultural events were organized, for highlighting the tradition and summa-rizing the achievements of the Joseph Pilsudski University of Physical Education.


  • The beginnings: 1927–1929The history of the Joseph Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw began only ten years after the end of the First World War

  • It was a time of the establishing the Second Polish Republic as a result of the Versailles Treaty (1918)

  • We have to remember that the country suffered the destruction of about 90% of its area after two consecutive wars – the First World War and the Bolshevik War

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The author of the architectural concept of the CIWF campus sports facilities and didactic complex was Polish famous architect Edgar Norwerth. At that time, he was a professor of the Warsaw University of Technology. Eng. arch., Polish architect and fencer, student of the Hungarian swordsman Janos Kevey He took part in the four Olympic games, in which famous projects, there were designs for the University of Physical Education in Warsaw: New Sports Hall, the Olympic Training Centre (martial arts pavilions). On the occasion of the 90-years Jubilee of the university, numerous scientific conferences, symposia, publications, exhibitions, sporting and cultural events were organized in 2019, for highlighting the tradition and summarizing the achievements of this academic centre

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