
This article proposes a Standard Model of CALL, i.e., a compilation of fundamental theories and practices that should always be considered when creating an instructional design for the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). This proposed model is inspired by the standard model of physics which is the widely accepted understanding about how the fundamental particles and forces of the universe operate. The authors propose that the following concepts be considered the foundational components of the Standard Model of CALL which should shape the CALL context: (1) Reverse engineering of instructional requirements from outcome goals; (2) Instructional design based on affordances; (3) Constructivism embodied in student-centered active learning; (4) Communicative Language theory (CLT); (5) Authentic learning materials and experiences, (6) Incremental learning; (7) Task-Based Instructional Design; (8) Gamification; and (9) Long term use via curriculum integration. They collectively form a foundation and framework for common contextual elements that all CALL instructional design should consider.

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