
Mentha pulegium L. is an aromatic herb belonging to the Lamiaceae family, a wild plant which is distributed in different areas of Iran. In this research, we evaluated the variability of essential oil content and compositions of 12 M. pulegium populations. Essential oils were analyzed using gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) methods. The essential oils content varied from 0.22 to 1.63% w/w within different populations. Twenty-nine compounds were identified which represent 83.4–98.7% of the total essential oil. The most significant essential oil compounds among the studied population were identified using the principal components analysis (PCA-biplot). According to the PCA-biplot, the major compounds were pulegone (2.5–51.7%), menthone (0.2–25.3%), limonene (0.0–35.4%), 1,8-cineol (0.0–33.4%), piperitenone oxide (0.2–55.2%), and trans-piperitone epoxide (0.0–28.5%). Besides, hierarchical cluster analysis indicated that the studied populations were classified into two main clusters based on the essential oil components. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that some environmental factors could influence the phytochemical constituents as well as the antioxidant activity. The temperature and altitude were effective environmental factors with regards to 1–8 cineol, limonene and menthone content, while average rainfall was the most effective factor with respect to trans-piperitone epoxide, piperitenone oxide, and pulegone content. Our results consequently showed that environmental factors had a significant effect on the essential oil content and its antioxidant activity in M. pulegium populations.

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