
The essence, content and structure of leadership competence of future officers - specialists in physical education and sports are substantiated. The views of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the essence of the concept of «leadership competence of specialists» were analyzed. The content of the leadership competence of future officers - specialists in physical culture and sports is defined and revealed, and it is indicated that their leadership competence represents an integrated component of military-professional competence, which combines values and motivation of leadership behavior and activity, leadership qualities as a military specialist, his leadership theoretical and practical preparedness, ability and willingness to solve professional and professional problems and tasks in accordance with job duties with the actualization of leadership knowledge, abilities, skills, values, motivation and professionally important leadership qualities acquired during professional training.
 Based on the generalization of scientific sources, taking into account the specifics of the professional activity of future specialists in physical culture and sports in the Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter – the Armed Forces), the structure of their leadership competence was determined, which includes a value-motivational (a set of perceived values, motives, motivation, desires for leadership behavior and activity as a professional in the field of physical culture and sports in a military environment), cognitive (theoretical knowledge about one’s leadership behavior and activities as an officer and a professional leader in the field of physical culture and sports of military personnel), behavioral and operational (a set of professional practical leadership skills, skills and abilities necessary for military professional activity and behavior in a military environment ), individual-psychological (purposefulness, determination, reliability, self-improvement, stress resistance, endurance) and subject (awareness and perception of oneself as a subject - leader, as well as responsibility, autonomy, independence and leadership subjectivity) components.

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