
This contribution shows the results obtained from the study of the texts and images of some monuments carved in the Early Puuc style from several archaeological settlements in the wester sector, in sites such as Xcalumkín, Xcochá, Xculoc and Itzimté Bolonchén, the latter belonging to the eastern sector of the area. The investigation allowed to identify that several subordinate or sajal lords, influenced by the maya of the Usumacinta represented the War Serpent and some others the God of the Maize-Cacao, in addition to several toponymic records strikingly rare in these latitudes of the Mayan area as well as hieroglyphic groups such as K’ihn Ha’, “Hot Water”, and K’ihn Ajaw, “Solar Lord”, detected in Xcalumkín, linked to the Piedras Negras region. Also, the recognition of the supernatural place Nah Ho’ Chan Bob, “The Flowery place is the First Five Heavens”, in an inscription of Itzimte Bolonchen, in addition to identifying the Building of the Carved Columns of Xculoc, with a sacred space known as Wuk Chit K’an Nal, “Place of the Seven... Precious”, associated with the cult of the God of Maize-Cacao and the flowery tree. The message we wish to present in this essay is that through art and writing, several dignitaries legitimized their social position by disseminating images, symbols and scriptural discourses not well known to this region. The study offers new political and religious episodes in the life and cultural history of the Puuc Maya during the first half of the 8th century.

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