
ozet Bu arastirma ile patateslerde 6 Coccinellidae, 4 Anthocoridae, 1 Nabidae, 1 Miridae, 4 Syrphidae ve 1 Chrysopidae turu olmak uzere 17 avcibocek turu bulunmustur. Bunlardan Nabis pseudoferus Rem. ve Chrvsoperla camca Steph, diger turlere oranla daha yogun populasyon olusturmaktadirlar. Bunlar, patateslerdeki zararli homopter ve heteropter turlerini baski altinda tutmada etkili olmaktadirlar. Summary Predatory Insects on Patatoes in Erzurum Province-Turkey Potato is an important product of Turkey. In eastern part of Turkey, Erzurum and it's towns such as Pasinler, Oltu and some others have good ecological conditions for potato production. This study was conducted during 1986-87 in Erzurum province in order to determine the species of predator insects on potatoes Samples were taken once in a week in Erzurum, Pasinler ^ and once in 2-3 weeks in other towns by. a sweep-net during growing season At the end of the study, 6 Coccinellidae, 4 Anthocoridae, 1 Nabidae, 1 Miridae, 1 Chrysopidae and 4 Syrphidae species were found. Among these species, Nabis pseiiâoferus Rem. and Chrysoperla carnea (St2). were very widespread and built up higher populations than the others. Pesticide usage is not present or very restricted in the research areas. Therefore, it ean be councluded that there seems to be a balance between the predators and pests, especially homopters and heteropters.

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