
The influence of hypothermia on erythrocyte profile of thermophile teleost species round goby, Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814), has been studied. Fish were acclimated to temperature 1-2оС, 15-16оС and 19-20оС (control group) and held at given conditions for 5 days. The number of red blood cell precursors (pronormoblasts, basophilic and polychromatophilic normoblasts) in circulating blood has been estimated. Also, the number of abnormal erythrocytes, i.e. cells with micronuclei, nuclei invaginations, red blood cell shades, dacryocytes and cells undergoing amitosis has been determined on smears. The number of immature erythrocytes increased more than two times (p<0,001) at 1-2оС. The number of low-differentiated precursors, pronormoblasts and early basophilic normoblasts, increased for the most part. The number of abnormal erythrocytes did not change substantially, The changes in cellular blood composition were accompanied with the increase of plasma lactate concentration, indicating hypoxic state of fish. The results of the present work indicate that hematopoietic tissue remains sensitive to controlling factors at hypothermia, such as hypoxia, and may enhance proliferation and differentiation of erythroid cells.

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