
Ozet Eritema nodosum genellikle tibia on yuzunde yerlesen kirmizi-mor renkte nodullerle gorulen subkutan dokunun inflamatuvar bir lezyonudur. Cocuklarda siklikla streptokokkal enfeksiyonlar ve primer tuberkuloz ile birlikte gorulur. Eritema nodosum tanisi esasen klinik olarak konan bir hipersensitivite reaksiyonudur. Sucicegi cocukluk caginin sik gorulen bir enfeksiyon hastaligidir. Biz gecirilmis varisella enfeksiyonu sonrasi eritema nodosum gelisen okul cocugu olguyu sunmak istiyoruz. 6 yas 7 aylik kiz hasta on gundur devam eden her iki bacakta kirmizi renkte sislikler yakinmasi ile basvurdu. Onbes gun once doktor tanili sucicegi gecirme oykusu vardi. Fizik muayenesinde her iki bacak on yuzunde kirmizi-morumsu, deriden kabarik, agrili, yaklasik 1-2 cm capli nodulleri mevcuttu. Varisella zoster IgM ve IgG’si pozitif bulundu. Hastada mevcut oyku ve varisella serolojisi ile varisella enfeksiyonu sonrasi EN gelistigi dusunuldu. (J Pediatr Inf 2015; 9: 000-000) Anahtar kelimeler: Cocuk, eritema nodosum, sucicegi Abstract Erythema nodosum which is seen red-purple noduls on the anterior surfaces of tibia is an inflammatory lesion of subcutaneous tissue. It is encountered with streptoccoccal infections and primary tuberculosis in children. Erythema nodosum clinically diagnosed is a hypersensitivity reaction. Varicella is an infectious disease which is commonly seen in childhood. We want to present a school-aged child case who developed erythema nodosum following varicella infection. A 6.5 year old girl was admitted with the complaints of red color swellings on both legs for 10 days. Fifteen days ago she was diagnosed as varicella by the physician. On the physical examination, red-purple, raised from skin, painfull, 1-2 cm in diameter noduls were found on the anterior surface of legs. Varicella zoster IgM and IgG were detected positive. According to the her past history and varicella serology erythema nodosum secondary to varicella infection was considered. (J Pediatr Inf 2015; 9: 000-000)

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