Sexual orientationSexual orientation is conventionally understood as relative attraction to men versus women. It has recently been argued that male sexual orientationSexual orientation in particular can be extended to include other dimensions of sexual attractionSexual attraction besides gender. One such dimension is sexual maturitySexual maturity, or relative attraction to children versus adults. A less familiar dimension is location, or relative attraction to other individuals versus sexual arousalSexual arousal by the fantasy of being one of those individuals. Erotic target identity inversions (ETIIs) Erotic target identity inversions (ETIIs) refer to some men’s sexual arousalSexual arousal by the fantasy of being the same kinds of individuals to whom they are sexually attractedSexually attracted. Thus, ETIIs reflect the movement from external attraction to internal attraction on the dimension of location. ETIIs can motivate men to change their appearance and behavior to become more like the individuals to whom they are sexually attractedSexually attracted. ETIIs also provide a compelling theoretical explanation for otherwise puzzling phenomena, such as cross-dressingCross-dressing among heterosexual men, desireDesire for limb amputationLimb amputation, and the furryFurry phenomenon. Despite its scientific and clinical value, the concept of ETIIs has been underappreciated and understudied. This chapter reviews the ETIIs that have been previously identified in the literature, addresses important issues related to ETIIs, discusses the causes and development of ETIIs, and proposes future directions for research.
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