
The article focuses on the life of Ernestina Pfeffel-Dôrnberg, the second wife of the Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev. The young woman, whom the poet and diplomat met in Munich, was of Alsatian descent, though her father had left Alsace during the French Revolution to serve various German courts. Among her relatives was Gabriel Konrad Pfeffel, a minor poet and aufklàrer from Colmar, who hosted many Russian travelers and students at the end of the 1 8th century. Following Fyodor Tyutchev to Russia, Ernestina Pfeffel fell in love with Tjutchev's estate of Ovstug, where she led a secluded way of life, probably inspired by Alsatian Lutheran morals. She remained faithfull to the poet after he started an affair with another woman, Elena Denisyeva, and dedicated her last years, after Tyutchev's death, to collecting and publishing his literary works.

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