
Erasmus is the European Union’s flagship education programme supporting student and staff mobility. The Erasmus programme provides funding for education, training, and sport. Erasmus is the largest structural and organised student and staff mobility programme in the world and is the model to which other international student mobility programmes aspire. Bologna incorporates and promotes principles, practices, and instruments developed and underpinned by Erasmus student mobility. Erasmus and the Bologna process fit with a seminal interpretation of Europeanisation. The Erasmus and Bologna experience demonstrate aspects of multilevel governance. A further and critical challenge arose from what many regarded as the essence of the success of the Joint Study Programme and the early days of Erasmus. The success of European Credit Transfer System and the impact of Erasmus are demonstrated in the Bologna process, launched in 1999. Brexit presents a substantial challenge to Erasmus programmes. In an ideal world, a pragmatic, negotiated solution would have allowed full UK participation in Erasmus.

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