
We continue our investigation of versality for parametrized families of linear retarded functional differential equations (RFDEs) projected onto finite-dimensional invariant manifolds. In this paper, we consider RFDEs equivariant with respect to the action of a compact Lie group. In a previous paper (Buono and LeBlanc, <em>J. Diff. Eqs.</em>, <strong>193 </strong>, 307-342 (2003)), we have studied this question in the general case (i.e. no <em>a priori</em> restrictions on the RFDE). When studying the question of versality in the equivariant context, it is natural to want to restrict the range of possible unfoldings to include only those which share the same symmetries as the original RFDE, and so our previous results do not immediately apply. In this paper, we show that with appropriate projections, our previous results on versal unfoldings of linear RFDEs can be adapted to the case of linear equivariant RFDEs. We illustrate our theory by studying the linear equivariant unfoldings at double Hopf bifurcation points in a $\mathbb D_3$-equivariant network of coupled identical neurons modeled by delay-differential equations due to delays in the internal dynamics and coupling.

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