
Let X denote a projective variety over an algebraically closed field on which a linear algebraic group acts with finitely many orbits. Then, a conjecture of Soergel and Lunts in the setting of Koszul duality and Langlands' philosophy, postulates that the equivariant derived category of bounded complexes with constructible equivariant cohomology sheaves on X is equivalent to a full subcategory of the derived category of modules over a graded ring defined as a suitable graded Ext. Only special cases of this conjecture have been proven so far. The purpose of this paper is to provide a proof of this conjecture for all projective toroidal imbeddings of complex reductive groups. In fact, we show that the methods used by Lunts for a proof in the case of toric varieties can be extended with suitable modifications to handle the toroidal imbedding case. Since every equivariant imbedding of a complex reductive group is dominated by a toroidal imbedding, the class of varieties for which our proof applies is quite large.We also show that, in general, there exist a countable number of obstructions for this conjecture to be true and that half of these vanish when the odd dimensional equivariant intersection cohomology sheaves on the orbit closures vanish. This last vanishing condition had been proven to be true in many cases of spherical varieties by Michel Brion and the author in prior work.

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