
Occupational exoskeletons are becoming a concrete solution to mitigate work-related musculoskeletal disorders associated with manual material handling activities. The rationale behind this study is to search for common ground for exoskeleton evaluators to engage in dialogue with corporate Health & Safety professionals while integrating exoskeletons with their workers. This study suggests an innovative interpretation of the effect of a lower-back assistive exoskeleton and related performances that are built on the benefit delivered through reduced activation of the erector spinae musculature. We introduce the concept of “equivalent weight” as the weight perceived by the wearer, and use this to explore the apparent reduced effort needed when assisted by the exoskeleton. Therefore, thanks to this assistance, the muscles experience a lower load. The results of the experimental testing on 12 subjects suggest a beneficial effect for the back that corresponds to an apparent reduction of the lifted weight by a factor of (the perceived weight of the handled objects is reduced by over a third). Finally, this analytical method introduces an innovative approach to quantify the ergonomic benefit introduced by the exoskeletons’ assistance. This aims to assess the ergonomic risk to support the adoption of exoskeletons in the workplace.

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