
Introduction. The use of the equations of statistics and dynamics is insufficient to solve the problem of equilibrium of agricultural aggregates, and additional efforts are required that in turn significantly increases the complexity of relevant research. Known studies are characterized by the fact that when analyzing the stability of the tillage machine, on the basis of the equilibrium condition, a standard plow body is considered as a working body. Materials and Methods. In this study, a variety of methods was used to determine equilibrium conditions for a system of converging forces in an analytical or geometric form. The equilibrium conditions were determined for the mounted five-case combined machine made soilless tillage. Analytical determination of the equilibrium conditions for the system was through the preparation of equilibrium equations. A graphical definition of the equilibrium conditions was obtained by constructing power polygons for vertical and horizontal projection planes. Results. As a result, it was found that tillage machines have an excessive number of bonds (supports). There is defined a condition for the balance of forces acting on a tillage machine with working bodies for layer-by-layer subsurface tillage, having twelve connections: five field boards with two connections each and two support wheels one at a time, the perceivable responses from the interaction with which should be positive. Discussion and Conclusion. According to the results, it is noteworthy that modern agricultural machines are multi-operation statically indeterminate systems. As a result, the process of their regulation during operation is complicated and it is practically impossible to make power calculations without accepting additional conditions. For simplification, accuracy and most visual representations, the problem was solved by analyzing closed force polygons, the construction method of which is presented for both the equilibrium conditions in horizontal and vertical planes.


  • The use of the equations of statistics and dynamics is insufficient to solve the problem of equilibrium of agricultural aggregates, and additional efforts are required that in turn significantly increases the complexity of relevant research

  • Known studies are characterized by the fact that when analyzing the stability of the tillage machine, on the basis of the equilibrium condition, a standard plow body is considered as a working body

  • The equilibrium conditions were determined for the mounted five-case combined machine made soilless tillage

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В настоящее время для решения вопроса равновесия сельскохозяйственных агрегатов является недостаточным применение уравнений статистики и динамики, а также требуется введение дополнительных усилий, что в свою очередь существенно увеличивает сложность исследований в данном направлении. Условия равновесия определялись для навесного пятикорпусного комбинированного орудия для послойной безотвальной обработки почвы. Графическое определение условий равновесия осуществлялось посредством построения силовых многоугольников для вертикальной и горизонтальной плоскости проекций. Действующих на почвообрабатывающее орудие с рабочими органами для послойной безотвальной обработки почвы, имеющие двенадцать связей: пять полевых досок по две связи и два опорных колеса по одной, воспринимаемые реакции от взаимодействия с почвой которых должны быть положительными. Точности и наиболее наглядного представления поставленная задача решалась посредством анализа замкнутых силовых многоугольников, методика построения которых представлена как для условия равновесия в горизонтальной, так и в вертикальной плоскостях.

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