We investigate the stationary and dynamic properties of the celebrated Nosé–Hoover dynamics of many-body interacting Hamiltonian systems, with an emphasis on the effect of inter-particle interactions. To this end, we consider a model system with both short- and long-range interactions. The Nosé–Hoover dynamics aim to generate the canonical equilibrium distribution of a system at a desired temperature by employing a set of time-reversible, deterministic equations of motion. A signature of canonical equilibrium is a single-particle momentum distribution that is Gaussian. We find that the equilibrium properties of the system within the Nosé–Hoover dynamics coincides with that within the canonical ensemble. Moreover, starting from out-of-equilibrium initial conditions, the average kinetic energy of the system relaxes to its target value over a size-independent timescale. However, quite surprisingly, our results indicate that under the same conditions and with only long-range interactions present in the system, the momentum distribution relaxes to its Gaussian form in equilibrium over a scale that diverges with the system size. On adding short-range interactions, the relaxation is found to occur over a timescale that has a much weaker dependence on system size. This system-size dependence of the timescale vanishes when only short-range interactions are present in the system. An implication of such an ultra-slow relaxation when only long-range interactions are present in the system is that macroscopic observables other than the average kinetic energy when estimated in the Nosé–Hoover dynamics may take an unusually long time to relax to its canonical equilibrium value. Our work underlines the crucial role that interactions play in deciding the equivalence between Nosé–Hoover and canonical equilibrium.
Often, one needs in studies in nonlinear dynamics and statistical physics to investigate the dynamical properties of a many-body interacting Hamiltonian system evolving under the condition of a constant temperature
Quite surprisingly, our results indicate that under the same conditions and with only long-range interactions present in the system, the momentum distribution relaxes to its Gaussian form in equilibrium over a scale that diverges with the system size
On adding short-range interactions, the relaxation is found to occur over a timescale that has a much weaker dependence on system size. This system-size dependence of the timescale vanishes when only short-range interactions are present in the system. An implication of such an ultra-slow relaxation when only long-range interactions are present in the system is that macroscopic observables other than the average kinetic energy when estimated in the Nosé–Hoover dynamics may take an unusually long time to relax to its canonical equilibrium value
One needs in studies in nonlinear dynamics and statistical physics to investigate the dynamical properties of a many-body interacting Hamiltonian system evolving under the condition of a constant temperature. A common practice is to employ a Langevin dynamics, i.e., a noisy, dissipative dynamics that mimics the interaction of the system with an external heat bath at temperature Ttarget in terms of a deterministic frictional force and an uncorrelated, Gaussian-distributed random force added to the equation of motion [1]. In this approach, one tunes suitably the strength of the random force such that the Entropy 2017, 19, 544; doi:10.3390/e19100544 www.mdpi.com/journal/entropy. The time evolution under the condition of relaxation at long times to canonical equilibrium at a given temperature is said to represent isokinetic ensemble dynamics when taking place according to the Nosé–Hoover equation of motion and to represent Langevin/canonical ensemble dynamics when taking place following the Langevin equation of motion
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