
The present study analyzes the need to adapt the teaching staff in the context of the decrease in motivation to study, noting the appearance of some changes also at the level of educational trends, which increasingly leave their mark on the establishment of long-term objectives in general, but especially on behavioral manifestations among students. The study highlights the fact that at the level of the European Union, there is the issue of diversity and especially of providing equal opportunities in terms of learning. Just as the language itself has undergone changes at the cultural level, so have the values, habits, learning styles acquired elasticity and change of meaning, psychoeducational programs representing a starting point for providing maximum support for development. The concept of learning has acquired nowadays other values for the student, especially thanks to the abundance of information facilitated by technology, as well as intrapersonal contact that has lost more and more ground recently, and also because there are a lot of programs that encourage self-knowledge and the development of certain skills that have lost their value - face to face communication, creativity, empathy, personal autonomy, all this representing maximum support for development and especially for creating a level of aspiration related to one’s own needs, as well as for the most important human need generally acknowledged- the need for learning.

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