
Recent progress in fast epitaxial growth and defect control of silicon carbide (SiC) toward development of high-voltage power devices is reviewed. In chemical vapor deposition of 4H-SiC on off-axis (0001), a high growth rate of 85 µm/h and a low background doping of 1×1013 cm−3 are achieved. Conversion of basal-plane dislocations to threading edge dislocations and generation of stacking faults during epitaxial growth are discussed. Deep levels in as-grown n-type and p-type 4H-SiC epitaxial layers have been investigated. A lifetime-killing defect, Z1/2 center, can be almost eliminated by thermal oxidation, which leads to significant increase in carrier lifetimes. The obtained carrier lifetimes are long enough to fabricate 10 kV-class bipolar devices. Control of carrier lifetimes by low-energy electron irradiation is demonstrated.

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