A study was conducted to investigate electroclinical features in patients with epilepsy and autism and to determine the efficiency of antiepileptic therapy. A group of 113 patients aged 8 months to 10 years with autistic disorders was followed up. All the patients were divided into 6 groups, 3 of which consisted of those with the so-called epiautism. Epileptiform activity on awakening was found in 113 (63%) patients, of them 45% had benign epileptiform discharges of childhood (BEDCs) recorded as epileptiform activity also during sleep in all the patients with epiautism. The epiactivity index substantially increased in 94% of the patients during sleep as compared on awakening. Sleep EEG recording in a total of 113 patients revealed epileptiform activity in 71%, of them BEDCs were recorded in 73%, which was 26% greater than that on awakening. There was a rise in the presentation of multiregional activity during sleep. Epileptiform activity was more common in the central and temporal leads. Valproate used alone and in combination with other drugs was a major component of therapy in the children followed up. Levetiracetam, etosuximide, and other antiepileptic medications were also used. After therapy optimization, the majority of patients showed reduced activity on EEG; however, abnormalities remained in the higher psychic sphere.
ГБУЗ «Научно-практический центр медицинской помощи детям с пороками развития черепно-лицевой области и врожденными заболеваниями нервной системы», Москва
All the patients were divided into 6 groups, 3 of which consisted of those with the so-called epiautism
Sleep EEG recording in a total of 113 patients revealed epileptiform activity in 71%, of them benign epileptiform discharges of childhood (BEDCs) were recorded in
Bergmann A., Schmidt D., Hutt H.J., Elger C.E. Epilepsy treatment with a sustainedrelease formulation of valproate – experience with 1172 patients. Наблюдалась группа из 113 пациентов в возрасте от 8 мес до 10 лет с аутистическими расстройствами. В целом (n=113) наличие эпилептиформной активности в состоянии бодрствования было выявлено у 63% больных, из них у 45% обнаружены доброкачественные эпилептиформные разряды детства (ДЭРД), которые регистрировались, как и эпилептиформная активность во сне, у всех пациентов с эпиаутизмом. Sleep EEG recording in a total of 113 patients revealed epileptiform activity in 71%, of them BEDCs were recorded in. Распространенность эпилепсии и субклинических эпилептиформных нарушений на ЭЭГ повышена как у детей, так и у взрослых с аутизмом [1–4]. На кафедре неврологии и нейрохирургии педиатрического факультета РНИМУ наблюдалась группа из 113 пациентов в возрасте от 8 мес до 10 лет с аутистическими расстройствами. Во 2-й группе синдром Ретта обнаружен у 9 детей, туберозный склероз – у 7, синдром Ангельмана – у 2, синдром Мартина–Белл – у 2, митохондриальная энцефаломиелопатия – у 4, гипергомоцистеинемия – у
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