
ere have been six inscriptions exhibiting Palmyrene Aramaic script discovered in Romania (Roman Dacia). is article surveys all six, focusing on two fragments of bilingual inscriptions that were unearthed at the Romanperiod site of Tibiscum (IDR III/1 170 and 178). is article provides a line-by-line analysis of both texts, offering a detailed analysis of the scripts of both and offering a new reconstruction of IDR III/1 170. We argue that the revised reading of Aramaic line 1 as br tym[Ҵ] (“son of Taym[ēގ (“[requires a reevaluation of the Latin portion of individuals named in the inscription. e deceased individual remains unnamed, but his father was named Taymēގ(according to the Aramaic portion). is was not, however, the same $emhes who dedicated the inscription (according to Latin line 3މ (and was the brother of the deceased. Our detailed analysis of both epigraphs’ scripts demonstrates that they belonged to two different inscriptions.

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