
The major physiognomic and ecological categories of the lichen-rich, epigeic communities in the boreal (taiga) and arctic (tundra) zones are defined and their syntaxonomy and ecology in Europe, Asia and North America is reviewed. In the boreal and hemiarctic areas open, dry, acidophytic lichen woodlands are widespread, especially on sandy habitats. Their epigeic lichen synusiae are usually dominated by four fruticoseCladina species, being extremely homogeneous in species composition and structure throughout the boreal zone, while the dominant trees and the other vascular plant flora of the woodlands are geographically more variable. No phytosociological classification system exists that would cover most of these communities over the circumpolar regions. Very similar communities, though much more poorly known, are found on thin soils over Precambrian rock outcrops. Other sites to produce epigeic lichen communities include open sand dunes, treeless heathlands, drier bogs and many seral stages, like those on road banks. Boreal lichen-rich communities on eutrophic soils may be developed in semiarid regions, in particular. In the Arctic, lichens are common in most communities, and the driest ones are regularly lichen-dominated, whether acidophytic or eutrophytic, chionophytic or achionophytic. Detailed syntaxonomic systems for their classification have been developed, especially in Greenland and Scandinavian mountains (in oroarctic zones in the latter regions). The richest fruticose lichen areas are in continental, hemiarctic timberline regions in northern Siberia and Canada. The southern and middle arctic subzones are also characterized by many macrolichens, such asCetraria cucullata, C. nivalis, Alectoria ochroleuca, andThamnolia vermicularis, but everywhere also small, crustose lichens are common on soil, such asRinodina turfacea andLopadium pezizoideum, which are often overlooked in vegetation analyses. The presence of microlichens and the formation of mosaic micropatterns of soil lichen communities is particularly typical of the northern arctic subzone. The conservation problems of the boreal and arctic lichen communities include overgrazing by reindeer or caribou, which has caused delichenization in some regions, extensive forest and tundra fires, use of heavy transport vehicles in forestry and tundra operations, and, locally, heavy industrial air pollution.

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