
The infection rate with Hymenolepis nana in Najaf province was 446 (1.79%) from the results of about 24.800 stool samples from different parts of Najaf province were examined by direct wet mount methodin Al-Sadder Medical City, Al-Hakeem Hospital, Al-Zahraa children and Maternity Hospital, Al-Menathera Hospital and Al-Sajad Hospital, in addition to medical centers and private clinics in province . This study was conducted during September 2013 to September 2014 . A questionnaire sheet, shown in appendix was filled for each individual studies . There was no significant difference (p< 0.05 )in the rate of infection between male and female and there was a significant difference (p<0.05) between infected patients (6-12 years) in comparison with other age distribution . It was found that 20% of 150 house mouse Mus musculus were infected with H.nana . The highest rate of the total infection was 7.34% in grain stores and the lowest rate (4%) in restaurants .

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