
Along with the increasing challenges that come with the demand for national and international fisheries’ products and the potential emergence of various environmental concerns, various efforts have been made to increase production capacity through extensification and intensification programs. This study aimed to assess the environmental quality and the level of disturbance in the floating net cage aquaculture area based on the microalgae community structure. The research was conducted from August to October 2017 at the water ecosystem used for aquaculture at Setoko Island, Batam City, Kepulauan Riau Province. Purposive random sampling was used by determining 3 sampling stations with three replicates. Data was analyzed using saprobic, Shanon-Wiener (H’) diversity, abundance and domination indices. The result showed that 13 genus microalgae (bawal fish fish farming), 9 genus (fish farming kakap) and 11 genus of microalgae (kerapu fish farming ) consisting of Chlorophyta, Chyanophyta Chrysophyta and Dinophyta were recorded. The value of H’ index at the farming area ranged from 0.73 to 1.5. Microalgae abundance was dominated by Phacus sp, Coscinodiscus sp, Climacosphenia sp and Spirogyra sp. Based on the saprobic index, the farm area has an index value of 1.92, thus it can be refferred to as the oligo/β-meso-saprobic phase, indicating light disturbance by organic enrichment.

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