
This study was performed in organic vineyard to assess integrated pollution in soil-plant-air system by potentially toxic elements (PTE). Concentrations of 26 PTE were determined in soil, grapevine, and air biomonitors (moss bags) using ICP-OES and ICP-MS. Environmental implication assessment of soil did not show pollution by PTE, except for B in samples collected in the middle of grapevine season (July). Despite low total Cd concentrations in soil, it has the highest influence on increase of environmental risk. Based on biological accumulation concentration (BAC), grapevine is not hyperaccumulator of PTE from soil. Advanced classification algorithm, Kohonen self-organizing map (SOM), was applied to compare environmental implications in organic with conventional vineyards. PTE concentrations were significantly lower in organic than conventional grapevine. PTE concentrations were higher in the outer (leaf and petiole) than in the inner grapevine parts (skin, pulp, and seed). Some airborne elements have an influence on outer grapevine parts, especially on leaves (ratio factor-RF > 1). Moss bag technique testified about lower enrichment of airborne elements compared with the conventional vineyard and urban microenvironments. Environmental and health risk assessments confirmed that organic production is harmless for field workers and grape consumers.

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