
The article describes a problem of legal regulation of offences in the sphere of ecology in the new criminal law of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted in July 3, 2014. The author critically analyses the chapter "Environmental Criminal Offences", expansion of the scope of criminal liability, construction of individual criminal articles of the Criminal Code, as well as the regulatory decree of the Supreme Court on environmental crimes. He also considers the problem of the criminalization and penalization of careless acts in the sphere of ecology, establishing the subjective side of offences in which a form of guilt is not specified, the accounting of different socio-political entity, intentional and negligent crimes when constructing articles, the necessity of an accurate regulation of evaluation indicators in criminal law. Given the theoretical science of criminal law, the Concept of Legal Policy in the Republic for the Period from 2010 to 2020, the lawmaking and law enforcement experience from previous years, there were formulated conclusions and proposals for further improvement of the specified group of socially dangerous acts in the Criminal Code and judicial practice.

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