
0.28-2.1 ng g-1 wet-weight), with little or no differences when comparing 2013 or 2014 fish samples with 2011 archived samples. In contrast, n:2-FTSAs emerged in the immediate weeks or months that followed the accident, as did several betaine-based PFASs (8:2-FTAB, 10:2-FTAB, 9:3-FTB, 11:3-FTB, 7:1:2 FTB and 9:1:2 FTB), observed for the first time in situ. Fluorotelomer thioether amido sulfonate (10:2-FTSAS) and fluorotelomer sulfoxide amido sulfonate (10:2-FTSAS-sulfoxide) were also occasionally reported after the AFFF spill. With time, levels of betaine-based PFASs gradually decreased in fish, possibly indicating attenuation by biodegradation of the fluorine-free moiety, supported by the observation of likely metabolites such as n:3-fluorotelomer carboxylates and n:2-fluorotelomer sulfonamides.

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