
Abstract Several investigations have shown that NOAA NDVI data accumulated during a rainy season can be related to total rainfall or final primary productivity in the Sahel. However, serious problems can arise when looking for quantitative relations to monitor and forecast crop yield from NDVI values. Geographical variability can affect such relations, while the use of data taken from a whole season is impractical for forecasting. The present paper proposes a complete methodology of NDVI data processing which only utilizes NOAA AVHRR scenes from the first part of successive rainy seasons. A series of basic corrections are first applied to the original data to obtain reliable NDVI maximum value composites at the middle of the rainy seasons considered. Next, the variability in land resources is accounted for by means of a standardization process which normalizes the mean NDVI levels of some areas on the relevant multi-temporal averages and standard deviations. In this way, good estimates of the actual condi...

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