
ABSTRACT In this paper, sea surface waves during complex sea state (i.e. tropical cyclones (TCs) and Kuroshio current) are inverted from dual-polarized (vertical – vertical (VV) and vertical – horizontal (VH)) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images using an existing algorithm, namely, the parameterized first-guess spectrum method (PFSM). In particular, the wind term is included in two modulation transfer functions (MTFs), i.e. tilt modulation and velocity bunching. More than 3000 Sentinel (S-1) images acquired in interferometric wide (IW) mode and extra wide (EW) mode are collected, and the operational CyclObs wind product provided by the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Oceans (IFREMER) is collected corresponding to the TC images. Note that these images are located within 500 km away from TC eyes. The wave spectra during the TCs are then inverted using the PFSM algorithm and the SAR-derived wind product. Simultaneously, the 0.05° gridded wave spectra collocated with these images are simulated using a third-generation numeric wave model, called WAVEWATCH-III (WW3), in which the reconstructed wind based on the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) current, and the CMEMS sea level are treated as the forcing field. Comparison of the SAR wave retrievals and simulations reveals that the root mean square errors (RMSEs) of the significant wave height (SWH) and mean wave period (MWP) are 0.55 m and 0.43 s, their correlation coefficients (COR) are 0.94 and 0.92, and their scatter index (SI) values are 0.17 and 0.07. These results demonstrate the better performance of the PFSM algorithm using theoretical MTFs, i.e. an RMSE of 0.68 m and COR of 0.90 for the SWH and an RMSE of 0.60 s and a COR of 0.87 for the MWP. Although the accuracy of the wave retrieval from the SAR image under complex sea state is improved when implementing the tilt and velocity bunching MTFs with the strong wind term, SWH retrievals by algorithm PFSM suffer saturation problem at SWH > 8 m.

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