
This article aims to discuss the implementation of Environmental Education in undergraduate curricula from the Brazilian legal framework (Constitution 88, National Environmental Education Policy, National Curricular Guidelines for Environmental Education, National Curricular Guidelines). Space for formation of environmental educators was provided, and it was inferred in the role of leadership in cultural and social change, which should be assumed by higher education institutions in the process of technological development. Besides the preparation of students and provision of information that can lead to a critical appropriation of knowledge, attitudes and values: political, social and historical, in terms of a sustainable and fair society.


  • In the 1970s, the first step was taken by the United Nations (UN) to international environmental systematization through the creation of a global environmental policy with the holding of the Conference on the Human Environment. [1] Among the actions, stood out the "Environmental Education Program, aimed at educating the citizen to understand and combat the environmental crisis in the world". [2]a systematized orientation to an international Environmental Education (EE) program came only at the International Meeting on Environmental Education promoted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Program for the Environment (PNUMA), when the Integrated Environmental Education Program (PIEA) was created, and a document called the Belgrade Charter was generated

  • A systematized orientation to an international Environmental Education (EE) program came only at the International Meeting on Environmental Education promoted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Program for the Environment (PNUMA), when the Integrated Environmental Education Program (PIEA) was created, and a document called the Belgrade Charter was generated

  • The culmination of the implementation of the PIEA, in an international consensus of the objectives for EE, only occurred at the 1st World Conference on Environmental Education held in Tbilisi, USSR, by Unesco, which reaffirmed the purpose of EE, [1] where the central concern is to globally help the population in the awareness process, favoring access to knowledge, the state of mind, skills, and motivations, providing favorable environments for participation and engagement in the attempt to Solve current problems and prevent their expansion or repetition. [2]

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In the 1970s, the first step was taken by the United Nations (UN) to international environmental systematization through the creation of a global environmental policy with the holding of the Conference on the Human Environment. [1] Among the actions, stood out the "Environmental Education Program, aimed at educating the citizen to understand and combat the environmental crisis in the world". [2]. In order to create an ethic, it is urgent to strengthen the pedagogical spaces that contribute to the recognition of the Self for the benefit of the subject, and not to the detriment of the subject In this perspective, formal institutions play an important role in the challenge of consolidating a substantive and direct citizenship, through the daily establishment of democratic practices that promote the capacity for critical reflection on their living environment, consolidating the 'culture of citizenship' in local, regional, and international levels. According to Morin [13], the first "works through individual liberties and the responsibility of individuals," who are citizens and express their desires and interests, and the second acts by colonizing "individuals, who are not more than subjects"

The National Policy for Environmental Education in Undergraduate Curricula
Final Considerations
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