
The research aimed to assess how Environmental Education (EE) has been addressed in Pedagogical Political Projects (PPPs) of 8 state schools in municipality of Juazeiro-BA, in accordance with Bahia State EE Policy (SEEP/BA) and Bahia Referential Curriculum Document (BRCD). The need to include EE in school PPPs is implicit in the BRCD, when it reiterates the need to promote respect for socio-environmental sustainability. CEE Resolution No. 11, of January 17, 2017, which provides for Environmental Education in the State Education System of Bahia, determines that EE must be present in an articulated manner at all levels, stages and modalities of teaching and included in the School Regulations, PPP, Course Plan (CP), Course Pedagogical Project (CPP) and Institutional Development Plan (IDP). PPPs were analyzed using Bardin's theoretical-analytical framework, identifying text parts that dealt with environmental issues and selecting those that were directly or indirectly related to EE. In composing the corpus of analysis in the analyzed PPPs, it was possible to identify essential information for the document, such as the didactic-pedagogical organization, history of the school unit, teaching and administrative staff, infrastructure, among others necessary for its preparation. It was concluded there is little environmental issues internalization at PPPs, showing the superficiality which subject is exposed in documents, as well as the lack of proposals and actions in EE based on current secondary education configuration. About mycology, no references were found at PPPs, demonstrating a gap that does not adequately include this living beings group.

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