
Summary The results of the studies on entomofauna, carried out near Lubawa on a hazelnut plantation in the fourth and fifth year of its growth, revealed that the most numerous community of phytophages was represented by aphids with the dominant species Myzocallis coryli Goeze. Other identified insects species regarded as potential threat to hazelnut belonged to the families: Agromyzidae and Cecidomyiidae with the most frequent species Contarinia coryli. Due to a lack of the presence of such economically important pest species as Curculio nucum L. or Phytoptus avellanae Nal. in the collected material, the insect population can be regarded as non‐stabilized. The assemblages of zoophagous insects were most numerously represented by the families: Chrysopidae with the species Chrysoperla perla and Chalcidoidea with Cyrtogaster vulgaris.

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