
The purpose of this paper is to investigate current literature on critical success factors (CSF) and risk factors (RF) of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementation and provide a systemic explanation of complexities involved in such implementation. This study will compile literature that highlighted possible references to CSFs of ERP implementations, definition of complex projects and ERP are compared with project management and project governance impacts. By analyzing highly likely CFS and RFs mentioned in literature, CSF and RFs will be mapped to project complexities involved in any ERP implementation. This is an exploratory study as it is based on literature review to understand ERP implementation and validations. The future research needs to include data collection from ERP adopters and longitudinal analyses of trends based on advances in ERP project management and governance capabilities in different ERP implementations. This article will be significant contribution to current body of knowledge because it helps us understand ERP application implementation as a complex project instead of linear system as currently documented in the literature. This article has outlined the conceptual revisions needed to extend the new project management approach from its current linear way of looking into project management of ERP projects. The article suggests that ERP project management is best understood within the context of environmental complexities. This paper is the first attempt to explore ERP implementations based on current enterprise environment and how to meet those CSF and RFs from complexity perspective. Santrauka Straipsnio tikslas – išnagrineti dabartinius literatūros šaltinius apie imones ištekliu planavimo sistemos igyvendinimo kritinius sekmes ir rizikos veiksnius, pateikti sistemiška kliūčiu, su kuriomis galima susidurti igyvendinant sistema, paaiškinima. Ši analize grindžiama tokiais literatūros šaltiniais, kuriuose kalbama ar užsimenama apie kritinius imones ištekliu planavimo sekmes veiksnius, sudetiniu projektu apibrežima, o imones ištekliu planavimas lyginamas su projektu valdymo poveikiais. Labiausiai tiketini analizuojamieji kritines sekmes ir rizikos veiksniai, mineti literatūroje, bus atvaizduojami tarp projektu kliūčiu, itrauktu bet kuriame imones ištekliu planavimo igyvendinimo etape. Tai yra aiškinamasis tyrimas, nes grindžiamas literatūros apžvalga imones ištekliu planavimo ir valdymo klausimais. Tolesniam tyrimui reikia surinkti duomenis iš ištekliu planavimo sistema idiegusiu imoniu ir atlikti ilgalaike pažangos tendenciju analize, valdant ištekliu planavimo projektus, bei ivertinti skirtingu imones ištekliu valdymo planu igyvendinimo galimybes. Šiame straipsnyje pateikiama daug žiniu apie imoniu ištekliu planavimo sistemos igyvendinima kaip kompleksini projekta, o ne šiuo metu literatūroje pateikiama linijine sistema. Straipsnyje numatyti konceptualūs taisymai, norint nuo dabartinio linijinio požiūrio pereiti prie naujojo imones ištekliu planavimo projektu valdymo požiūrio. Pažymeta, kad ištekliu planavimo projektu valdymas geriausiai suvokiamas aplinkos sudetingumo kontekste. Šis straipsnis – tai pirmasis meginimas ištirti imones ištekliu planavimo igyvendinima esamoje imones aplinkoje ir bandymas susidoroti su kritiniais sekmes ir rizikos veiksniais atsižvelgiant i kylančias kliūtis.


  • Prior research has provided valuable insights into how and why employees make a decision about adoption and use of information technologies (ITs) in the workplace

  • The article suggests that enterprise resource planning (ERP) project management is best understood within the context of environmental complexities

  • The article suggests that the choice of project management approach is a matter of reviewing at the complete ecosystem rather than of functional goals of the ERP implement

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Prior research has provided valuable insights into how and why employees make a decision about adoption and use of information technologies (ITs) in the workplace. Project management has been dominated by the hard paradigm in which reductionist techniques such as work breakdown structures and critical path analysis are used to manage projects. The current project management methodology has failed to provide tools and techniques for successful ERP implementations. Adopting and implementing appropriate project managements principles, tools, and techniques to manage large and complex application projects is one of the most important management decisions for managing any enterprise application implementation. A theory of ERP implementation approach must address the integrity and application of a project management methodology, establish relationship with implementation partners and vendors and include strategies for empowerment, fairness, and accountability during the implementation life cycle. The result of that relationship should be that the project manager is rigorously in control and, simultaneously, management methodology is optimally established process and procedure to manage a project involving multiple partners without direct hierarchical reporting structure. We discuss ERP project as a complex adaptive system that all ERP projects are different and require project governance and management in place to adapt to interconnectedness, communication and control over different stakeholders involved with any non-hierarchical relationship

ERP literature review
ERP systems as ‘Business Enablers’
Complex project
Review of CSFs and RFs
ERP team
Inadequate selection of application
Inadequate change management
Attitude towards usage
ERP vendor and consulting support
Infrastructure components
Training components
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