
We propose a method to enhance bipartite and tripartite entanglement in cavity magnomechanics using an optical parametric amplifier (OPA). We analyze this system and identified parametric regimes where different types of entanglement are enhanced. We show that a proper choice of phase of the parametric amplifier leads to the enhancement of the bipartite entanglements. Moreover, the tripartite entanglement is also significantly enhanced in the presence of the OPA. The OPA not only enhances the strength of entanglement but also increases the domain of entanglement over a wider space of detunings as compared to the system when no OPA is present. Similarly, the robustness of entanglement against temperature is also enhanced. Another important consequence of the OPA is the fact that it relaxes the requirement of strong magnon-phonon coupling to generate cavity-magnon entanglement which is necessary for the case when the OPA is not present. We believe that the presented scheme is a step forward to realize robust quantum entanglement using current technology.

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