
Summary form only given. The coherent synthesis of custom-tailored, intense, sub-cycle optical waveforms is promising for attosecond science and strong-field physics, e.g., for precision control of strong-field interactions in atoms, molecules and solids, for the generation of intense isolated attosecond pulses, and for attosecond pump-probe spectroscopy.Recently, coherent pulse synthesis based on supercontinuum generation in a hollow-core fiber compressor allowed the generation of sub-cycle -300-μJ optical pulses. However, in this case ionization losses in the gas medium prevent further scaling to the mJ level. In contrast, parametric synthesizers do not face an energy scaling limit, and allow for spectral extension into the particularly appealing MIR region. In previous works we demonstrated coherent pulse synthesis of two optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifiers and of two optical parametric amplifiers (OPAs) on the few-μJ level [3]. Here we present the ongoing development of a novel 3-channel parametric synthesizer for generating a 2-octave-wide spectrum, which can easily be upscaled to the mJ-level. We start from a cryogenically cooled Ti:sapphire chirped-pulse amplifier (150 fs, 22 mJ, 0.8 μm, 1 kHz) and generate a CEP-stable continuum (0.5-2.3 μm) [5], by white-light generation in a YAG crystal pumped by the second harmonic (1.06 μm) of the CEP-stable idler of a NIR OPA. The continuum is split with custom-designed dichroic beam splitters (which will also be used for the final beam recombination) and seeds three OPAs, a VIS noncollinear OPA (NOPA), a NIR and an IR degenerate OPA (DOPA), each composed of 2 (later 3) amplification stages, and pumped by the pulses at 0.8 μm (IR DOPA), and by its second harmonic at 0.4 μm (VIS NOPA, NIR DOPA). To synthesize a coherent ultrashort pulse from these three OPAs, the relative timing of the pulses will be tightly locked using feedback loops with balanced optical cross-correlators, that can achieve sub-cycle synchronization with s0-as RMS timing jitter [2,3]. Figure 1(a) shows the measured output spectra and the energies from the second amplification stages operating in parallel. The transform-limited (TL) pulse duration from the synthesis of these spectra is 1.9 fs FWHM, corresponding to 0.7 optical cycles at 785 nm center wavelength. Our current work aims to scale up the energies (by a third amplification stage) to -0.5 mJ for the VIS NOPA/NIR DOPA and -2 mJ for the IR DOPA using the 18.5 mJ of pump remaining after the first two amplification stages. State-of-the-art double-chirped mirror pairs (at present in fabrication) will allow for the final pulse compression with ultralow residual ripple in the resulting total group-delay dispersion over the full bandwidth (0.52-2.3μm). Temporal characterization of the synthesized two-octave-spanning optical waveforms will be performed by two-dimensional spectral shearing interferometry (2DSI). We foresee that our 3-channel synthesizer, when further scaled in energy to the mJ level, will become a versatile tool for controlling strong-field interactions in atoms, molecules and solids and for attosecond pumpprobe spectroscopy employing ultrashort pulses in the VIS/IR and XUV/soft-X-ray regions.

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