
The way subject content is structured determines the strategy to teach it. Systemic thinking formation depends on the entirety of assimilating such content by students. Difficulties arise while ensuring the holistic assimilation of the content of modular structure subjects. Such disciplines are studied for two or more semesters. Students undergo midterm assessment. Unfortunately, learners perceive each module as a separate subject without establishing systemic connections between disciplines. This study aims to find a way to ensure that students learn the modular structure discipline "Russian language teaching methodology" holistically. The article attempts to solve the issue of structuring the content of student linguistic and methodological training. The study was conducted within the systematic approach framework. Investigating the content of the course in Russian language teaching methodology as a system required identifying its components and determining their connections and their core component. Teaching Russian in forms I–XI aims to develop student linguistic personality. Reliance on the linguistic personality concept and structure made it possible to identify the abovementioned core component. It is the section "Methodology for teaching speech culture and stylistics" of the course in Russian language teaching methodology for forms V–IX. This section promotes the connections between the elements of each section as well as between sections. Thus, it ensures the content integrity of the course in Russian language teaching methodology.

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