
The article defines the concept of "axiological paradigm" in its broad and narrow senses. Additionally, it considers axiological paradigm types, describes units with value-expressed content belonging to different levels. The characterisation of the anthropocentric paradigm of the conceptual field of the axiological paradigm is formed on the basis of the identified genetic semes and sense-making principles. They reflect the types of human relationships with reality and unreality and determine the boundaries of the core and peripheral zones of the field. Axiological meanings are conveyed primarily by verbs, nouns, and adjectives since these categories are the main expressors of the internal properties and semantic features of a particular conceptual field. Qualitative-quantitative differences in meanings are reflected both in the axiological paradigm and in the literary text: the creation of the lexical semantic field "Value", the use of linguistic units characterising material, intellectual, and spiritual values. The concepts "Faith", "Family", "Honour" dominate the linguo-cognitive axiological paradigm. They reveal the relationship between language, thinking, and communication. In the Russian picture of the world, the dominating moral and spiritual values not only convey the attitude towards God, but also become a qualitative characteristic of man. The analysis of the axiological paradigm in the Russian world picture is performed using the text of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel "The Brothers Karamazov". The narrator devotes his careful attention to the establishment of moral values, the religious and philosophical beliefs of the characters in the novel, as well as their relationships and conflicts which are based on these values.

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