
Introduction. The increased intensity of noise and vibration of railway traffic may become not only an urgent problem in the field of occupational safety, but also a serious environmental problem in the near future due to the constant need to increase the weight of freight trains, the speed of passenger trains and the capacity of railway lines. Recently, a lot has been done to minimize the negative effects of noise and vibration in railway transport. However, the problem of exceeding the indicators of vibration noise factors remains relevant. Reducing the harmful effects helps to improve the working conditions of train crew employees and improve the comfortable conditions of transport passengers. As a rule, the main focus of the analysis is on the external impact of vibroacoustic factors on residential areas and less attention is paid to the impact on rolling stock. However, these studies do not provide a complete picture of how noise and vibration actually affect the train in motion. The aim of the study was to obtain the result of an analysis of the impact of vibroacoustic factors on train crew workers and to propose a method of comprehensive protection based on the use of vibration damping materials.Materials and Methods. In the course of the work, regulatory documents were studied, a comprehensive analysis of relevant information on this topic was carried out, and methods for calculating vibration and vibration acceleration were used. The values of the sound pressure levels were obtained using a SPM-101 sound level meter. The object of the study was a carriage of the "reserved seat" type in the process of movement. As part of the research plan, sound pressure was measured at selected sites and a class of working conditions was determined.Results. The result of the analysis of the impact of vibroacoustic factors on train crew workers indicated the need to strengthen comprehensive measures to protect them. The obtained calculation of the vibration force became the basis of the method proposed by the authors to minimize the harmful effects of vibroacoustic factors, which was based on the use of vibration and sound insulation materials suitable for the necessary acoustic parameters in the construction of the car. In particular, it was proposed to cover the floor of the car with dense rubber and the ceiling of the car with an inorganic fiber material for sound insulation. The work also provides an economic assessment of the effectiveness of measures to minimize harmful vibration noise effects.Discussion and Conclusion. The proposed methods for minimizing noise and vibration impacts can help reduce the level of sound pressure and vibration indicators to standard values, which will significantly reduce the negative impact of vibroacoustic factors on train crew workers and railway passengers. The considered complex for minimizing vibration and noise includes a set of methods in which affordable materials based on recycled substances have found application.

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