
Guaranteeing rights and freedoms for citizens and forming new, equal relations in society are currently one of the main directions of our state's activity. Because equality is one of those fundamental values that must be enshrined in legislation and implemented in practice in a state that is declared legal, social, and democratic. The purpose of the article is to consider the issue of ensuring equality of rights and opportunities and their impact on a person's ability to work in today's realities. After all, in practice in the field of labor there are many cases of violation of the principle of equality, when employees are actually deprived of the opportunity to protect their rights in case of illegal refusal to accept employment and in case of dismissal due to the fact that employers do not provide an official refusal indicating the valid reasons for refusal work or try to formulate the reasons for dismissal at the employee's own will or with the consent of the parties, which causes concern in view of their massiveness, especially today, when the country is in a state of war against the Russian aggressor. Summarizing the conducted research, it is stated that today Ukraine is already on the way to ensure equal rights of workers and implementation of norms, principles and provisions enshrined in international legal acts in the field under consideration. This is evidenced by the adoption of legislative acts, which will contribute to bringing domestic legislation into compliance with the legislation of the European Union, the practice of the International Labor Organization and will have a positive impact on the market environment. At the same time, it was noted that during the reform of domestic labor legislation, in particular, it is necessary to prevent the narrowing of the existing rights and guarantees of employees, to provide legal instruments that will contribute to the implementation of the principle of equality in the field of labor, in particular, the equality of regulation of the status of subjects of labor law, equal protection labor rights and interests of employees and employers, equality of subjects of labor law when labor relations arise.

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