
The article examines a number of international regulatory acts containing the main legal standards in the field of ensuring employment of the population, combating unemployment and social security of a person in connection with the loss of a person's job for reasons beyond his control. It is noted that these areas of legal regulation are directly related to the right to work, the effective prohibition of discrimination and forced labor, as well as the right to free personal development and decent work. The change in trends in the social policy of the states is monitored from the simple support of a sufficient living standard of the unemployed through the provision of state or insurance benefits to the state employment policy, which stimulates employment based on professional orientation, choosing a profession with maximum consideration of natural abilities and already acquired skills, opportunities for professional training, retraining and advanced training, building a system of professional education in accordance with the needs of the labor market, etc. International legal standards, which are the basis for the development of the legal system of any modern state, determine the directions of reforming both the legal system as a whole and its individual branches. Accordingly, the labor and social security legislation of Ukraine is also developing in line with global and European trends. In particular, already during the years of independence, legislation on employment and social protection of the unemployed has undergone significant reforms, increasingly approaching the high standards of ensuring human rights in this area. The revision of the 2012 Law of Ukraine "On Employment of the Population" was a significant progressive step, as it provided for a number of measures to stimulate productive employment, help young people get their first job, and regulated the procedure for employment of foreign citizens in Ukraine. This Law and the relevant regulatory documents are subject to constant changes, especially in the last few years in connection with the problems of the pandemic caused by the spread of COVID-19 in the period of 2020-21 and the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine from February 2022 to the present . It should be noted that the cooperation of the legislative and executive branches of government with experts of specialized international organizations brings positive results, as Ukrainian legal norms are increasingly approaching recognized international standards, in particular, the standards of the European Union, in which the main goal is to ensure human rights, respect for the individual, human dignity and equality of treatment in the spheres of employment and professional education.

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